Home Features Why Is My Location Icon Always On My Android

Why Is My Location Icon Always On My Android

Why Is My Location Icon Always On My Android

Every time you open an app on your Android, the location icon is there. Why is this happening?

In this article, we’ll talk about it and what you can do to stop it.

Causes Of Location Icon Always On

There are a few possible explanations for why your location icon might always be on. 

It could be that you have an app that constantly uses your location or a setting on your phone that you’re not aware of.

In most cases, it’s probably because Google Play Services is running in the background.

Google Play is a service that helps apps communicate with each other and share data, and it can often be the culprit when it comes to battery drain.

Causes Of Location Icon Always On

How To Know The Cause Of The Problem

Here are a few things to check if you’re wondering why your location icon is always on:

  • Check which apps are using your location. Go to Settings > Apps and look at the list of apps under “Location.” 
  • See if there’s anything there that you don’t expect to be using your location. If so, you can disable the location permission for that app.
  • Make sure location services are turned off when you’re not using them. 
  • Check for a ” battery saving” mode on your phone. This mode can sometimes keep location services turned on even when you think they’re off.
  • To check, go to Settings > Battery and look for a setting called ” battery saving mode.”
  • Finally, if you still can’t figure out why your location icon is always on, it could be a hardware issue with your phone. 

Steps To Turn Off The Location Icon On Your Android

The location icon on your Android device, while helpful for various services, can raise privacy concerns.

Whether you want to conserve battery or simply maintain control over your location data, here’s a detailed guide to turning it off:

Understanding the Location Modes

  • High accuracy: This mode uses GPS, Wi-Fi, and mobile data to pinpoint your location with the highest precision. Useful for navigation and location-based services, but drains battery quickly.
  • Battery saving: This mode uses Wi-Fi and mobile data to provide a general location estimate, offering a balance between accuracy and battery efficiency.
  • Device only: This mode relies solely on GPS for location, offering basic functionality but limited accuracy indoors or in urban areas.
  • Off: Completely disables all location services, including GPS, Wi-Fi, and mobile data based location tracking.

Taking Action

  1. Navigate to Settings: Open the Settings app on your Android device.
  2. Find Location: Locate the “Location” option within Settings. The specific path might vary slightly depending on your device model and Android version.
  3. Choose Your Mode: Select the desired location mode based on your needs and privacy preferences. “Battery saving” is a good balance for most situations.
  4. App-Level Control: Dive deeper by tapping “App permissions” within the Location menu. Here, you can manage individual app access to your location data. Grant access only to apps that genuinely require it.

Additional Tips

  • Review Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Settings: Some Wi-Fi networks and Bluetooth connections might enable location services automatically. Check and adjust these settings if necessary.
  • Consider Location History: If you’re using Google Maps or other location-based services, you might have a location history stored on your Google account. Manage or disable this feature through your Google account settings.
  • Factory Reset as Last Resort: While not recommended for minor issues, a factory reset can sometimes resolve persistent location service problems. Remember to back up your data before proceeding.


  • Turning off location services entirely might affect certain apps and functionalities, so choose the mode that best suits your needs.
  • Regularly review and adjust app permissions to maintain control over your location data.
  • Explore additional privacy settings within your device and Google account for further control.

By following these steps and understanding the available options, you can effectively manage the location icon on your Android device and strike a balance between convenience and privacy.

Why Is My Location Icon Always On My Android Phone: Frequently Asked Questions

What Could Be Causing the Location Icon to Stay On?

There are several culprits:

  • Location Mode: You might have unknowingly selected “High accuracy” mode, which uses GPS, Wi-Fi, and mobile data for precise location, keeping the icon active.
  • App Permissions: Apps like weather, maps, or social media might have continuous location access enabled, even when not actively used.
  • System Services: Background services like Google Location Services or Find My Device might require location data for functionality.
  • Network Settings: Some Wi-Fi networks or Bluetooth connections automatically trigger location services.
  • Bug or Glitch: Occasionally, software bugs or glitches can cause the location icon to get stuck on.

How Can I Turn It Off?

  1. Adjust Location Mode: Go to Settings > Location and choose “Battery saving” or “Device only” for reduced accuracy and lower battery drain. You can even turn it off completely if desired.
  2. Manage App Permissions: Review app permissions under Settings > Apps > Permissions > Location. Disable access for apps you don’t need to track your location constantly.
  3. Check System Services: Go to Settings > Location > Advanced and review system services. Disable access for any non-essential services.
  4. Review Network Settings: Go to Settings > Wi-Fi or Bluetooth and check if location services are enabled for specific networks or devices. Turn them off if not needed.
  5. Restart Your Phone: Sometimes, a simple restart can resolve temporary glitches.

Will Turning It Off Affect My Phone’s Functionality?

It depends on how you use your phone. Disabling location entirely might impact apps like maps, navigation, weather updates, and location-based notifications. However, choosing “Battery saving” mode usually offers a good balance between functionality and privacy.

Are There Additional Privacy Measures I Can Take?


  • Review Google Location History: Manage or disable location history stored in your Google account through your Google Account settings.
  • Location Sharing with Contacts: Be mindful of sharing your location with contacts through apps or features like Google Maps.
  • Consider Third-Party Apps: Explore privacy-focused apps that offer additional control over your location data.

What If the Icon Is Still On After Trying Everything?

If the above steps don’t work, consider:

  • Checking for software updates: Outdated software might have bugs affecting location services. Install any available updates.
  • Consulting your device manual: Specific settings or troubleshooting steps might be available for your particular phone model.
  • Contacting your carrier or device manufacturer: For persistent issues, they might offer further assistance.


We hope this article helped clear up any confusion you had about the location icon on your Android device. 

Remember, if you’re ever unsure about something on your phone, a quick Google search can usually help you out.

Stay safe, and happy travels!


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Daniel Segun Author Pic
Meet Daniel Segun, or TechSegun for short. He's the driving force behind "MobileTechify" and knows a lot about mobile technology. With a strong background in computer science and digital marketing, Daniel loves to share the latest mobile tech news and trends. When he's not exploring the world of mobile tech, you'll often find him creating cool graphics or building websites.


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